Sniff. This will be my final post in the Weekend Wrap Up series as I have left SA and returned home to Chicago. But don't fret... I will still be posting about travel, Chicago, running and other fun stuff.
This is actually a wrap-up of my last weekend in SA. I've been back in Chicago almost a week, but I unexpectedly am having a much harder time adjusting and re-patriot-ing then I had anticipated. Surprisingly I wasn't jet lagged at all (thank you liquid melatonin) but I've been really thrown off and depressed about everything that changed without me in the last 6 months. And missing all my friends and co-workers back in Johannesburg. I had an indescribable life experience that I will forever treasure. It is difficult transitioning back from a place I wasn't ready to leave.
Goodbye Jozie Skyline |
So taking you back in time to last week...
Where did all this stuff come from?? |
The work week was a short one due to Monday being another public holiday. I spent most of the week wrapping up work projects and saying my goodbyes. I had really wanted to get out a bit more, but I was really fighting with my luggage (my clothes reproduced ) and my emotions ( I really couldn't go very long with out tears).
Goodbye weird hotel apartment |
I did manage to plan a goodbye pizza party for the R&D team (I totally forgot to take pictures), I wrote about 30 personal goodbye notes and had a farewell dinner on Friday with two of my R&D friends. We were going to go out one last time, but I'm glad we decided against it. Last minute hung over packing on Saturday would not have been fun.
Goodbye Penny... I'm sorry. |
On Saturday, I drove to the airport... the whole time I was praying that I would not hit anyone or anything right before I left.... and I side swiped the pole in the rental return as I was pulling up to the agent. DOH. On a side note, I was pretty surprised that Phil was really not phased by the whole story, until I came home are realized that he had just done the same thing to our car in our garage. I don't feel too bad now.
Hello champagne |
I was really anticipating issues when at the airport, because I find it really difficult not to have customer service issues. This trip was my first experience with Virgin Atlantic. I'm normally a American Airlines loyalist, but due to changes in their reward program this year, I've decided to show Delta some love too. Virgin Atlantic is a Delta partner.
hi little chair |
The check-in process was seamless. No lines at all for Upper Class check-in. The staff were friendly and efficient and by some miracle, none of my bags were over weight. My 3 bags were tagged and sent on their way in minutes. I was directed to the VA Clubhouse, but needed to clear security first. Here the lines were long, but moved quickly. I was in the VA Clubhouse in no time. I intended to buy a couple last minute gifts but I was shaking from the run in with the pole and my back pack was so heavy it was knocking me backwards. Upon entry I was promptly checked in with a smile and the immediately greeted by a staff member. He took my bags and showed me to a comfy chair. He brought out bottled water, champagne and crisps as well as a full cocktail menu and wine list and a dinner menu. All included! One glass a champagne wasn't going to stop the shakes so I order one of VA's signature drinks a Virgin Redhead as well as a veggie flat bread. Both were delicious. It was soon time to board. The flight was called and there was no line at the gate, so I was able to hop right on and settle in to my little pod. The seat was a bit narrow, but the footrest doubles as a little chair, which is cute and functional if you are not traveling alone.
Second flight prep. |
The trip to London was about 11 hours long, but uneventful. The service and food was fantastic. My only issue was that the seat needs to be flipped in order to be used as a bed. It's not that bad, it is automatic and the flight staff is happy to help if needed. PJs and bedding are provided. I love airline PJs (I'm actually wearing them now as I write this).
swing~ |
In London, it took me a bit to find the lounge and I kept getting literally knocked backwards by the weight of my back pack. I had been so excited about the spa services, but when I finally found the Virgin Club house and saw the basket swings, all I wanted to do was swing and cry. Yea. I'm that weirdo crying in the swing.
Gnocchi and sun-dried tomatoes |
The second flight (9-ish hours) was also pretty uneventful. The food was decent, the movie selection was okay- my favorite was The Room. I was told that it is also a book... the book is probably better. Speaking of books, I finally finished Nelson Mandela's Long Walk to Freedom. Ok, honestly I essentially finished it awhile ago, but I had started it on the flight to SA, so I wanted to save the last chapter for the way back in a symbolic gesture of closure. It's a long, but great read. I highly recommend it.
Chapter closed. |
And that wraps it all up. I arrived to flowers and signs and a super ecstatic husband, despite my crabbiness and irritability. We celebrate with a run around our neighborhood, geo-caching and tacos and margaritas in Pilsen.
I'm a little startled about how much I miss SA and my friends. and I'm startled on how lost I feel being back. It's a process and little by little I'm sure it will improve.
I will be back soon, will more travel insights (including Victoria Falls) and fun stuff in general.
Hello Chicago. |
Hello strange geo-caching husband. |