Thursday, June 11, 2015

TBT-Lions and Tigers and Runners...Oh my..

In the spirit of Throw Back Thursday.. I bring you my first attempt at a 5k.

I'm guessing, I'm like many people who randomly start running marathons in their mid 30's, I was never a runner. Actually, I hated running most of my life (I still occasionally do).  It wasn't that I wasn't athletic- I swam in middle school and high school, I was really into martial arts and rock climbing in my 20's.  But I always HATED running.   In high school gym class, I faked asthma, knee problems and anxiety attacks (ok, that actually may have been somewhat real) to get out of running The Mile.  It's amazing how long The Mile seemed to my 15 year old self.  4 laps around the track.  In my mind it was no different that running across the country.

In my 20's I started "running" around the block a couple of times a month, so the kids wouldn't completely kick my ass during running drills in Tae Kwon Do class  Honestly, it was more like window shopping in a sports bra with a couple of skips and hops in between windows.   And most days, I'd throw up if I attempted to run more than a block at a time.

During my masters degree, I would run through the neighborhood park a couple of times a week, because I felt I was getting old and I was getting a public health degree, and I was too lazy to find another TKD Dojo.  But it was Atlanta.  And it was really hilly.   I'd walk up the hills.  So I was mostly just doing little intervals of running down while blasting Less than Jake on my IPOD. Thank you gravity.

My first "race", was in 2009, while at the University of Illinois.  I was dating this tiger vet (yea, really) and he dragged me to a fundraiser 5k for the Exotic Feline Rescue Center in Indiana.  At the time, because of the tiger thing, I thought he was much cooler than he actually was, so I couldn't possibly tell him how much I hated to run.   It's the Run through the Jungle 5K and its actually pretty cool.   If you ever have ever wanted to run with tigers (without actually being chased by one), this is the race for you.  Just watch out for the lion pee  I learned that lions spray, just like cats... just off of platforms, directly on the trail.   Kind of makes it like an obstacle course.   I can't remember my time, but I'm guessing it was probably over 45 minutes maybe even like 55 minutes... as you can see below, I was much more interested in taking pictures than running.  The one action shot only happened because it was at that moment that I noticed the photographer.

I think its cute that I have my race number attached squarely in the middle of my chest like the instructions told me to.  This may also be the only race picture I have that does not look like I'm about to crap my pants.  I think I'm actually smiling.  Weird.

Also, I got to pet a Serval.  That was also pretty cool.  And made the whole running thing worth it.

Fundraising update!   I'm nearly 30% of the way to my goal of $1500 and in my 3rd week of marathon training.  I have over 300 friends on the FB alone... that means I just need 100 of you to donate just $10.   Pretty please? I promise to tell more embarrassing running stories.   Donate Here

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