Sunday, November 15, 2015

Week 2

End of a second great week in SA.  Time is already flying by.

It was a week of firsts...

On the personal side:

First wipeout while running-  tripped over a curb and skidded across an intersection on my stomach.   Thankfully just road rash and a bruised hip.  And to think I was scared to run in my neighborhood due to crime. #theonlydangerismyself
This lead to my first experience at the pharmacy:
This wasn't my only injury this weekend, I also had my first run in with razor wire-
I was swinging my arms while walking and didn't see the wall next to me covered in razor wire. #thankgodfortetnusshots

We met new friends recommended by a co-worker.. They drink a lot, swear a lot and like techno... I think we'll get along just fine.
Little blue shots on a Monday.

First trip to the mall...

I also had my first international banking experience.  I'm not sure if it is actually required, but we could not find a way around it-  we had to hire a personal banker who supposedly sets everything up for us... It took over a week.  And I thought one of the perks was not having to go to the bank, but we still had to a week later although the banker did drive us there and it was in the mall,so that saved an uber ride.  I now have a bank account although it has no money in it since the lady I'm paying the big bucks to help didn't really explain the transfer part to me.

On the work front-
First visit to a township.   Went on a trade visit with work. The email said to wear casual clothes and "Trekkies" because we were going "Kasi-style".  Cue some furious urban-dictionary-ing. Trekkies =sneakers and kasi= township.   Our adventure started with shoving 9 people into our 7 people shuttle van.  They said the wanted me to experience a mini taxi.
Our first stop was the co-packer that produces our product. 
The next stop Tembisa Township and a wholesaler where are products are sold to smaller wholesalers and hawkers.
Our product, Nik Naks, are sold in large bags called bailers.  Nik Naks are similar to Cheetos.

Bailers are also sold at smaller stores such as these-

 The bailers are purchased by hawkers and the products are sold to consumers at road side stands like this one-
We have an incentive program where hawkers can earn prizes such as table clothes, t-shirts and umbrellas which increase awareness of our products and sales for the hawkers.
The program is run by ambassadors.  I had the pleasure of meeting one- he was one of the most passionate and proud people I've encountered.

Koos our brand ambassador for the hawkers program.

Some pictures of the township-

And chickens

We stopped for a very "kasi" snack- Mayo which is a yogurt drink eaten frozen. Very nice considering it was like 90 degrees. 

For lunch, quarters or kota...

A quarter loaf of bread, egg, cheese, French fries and usually meat.  And a spicey picked mango chutney. 

First work baby shower-

All and all a great second week...


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