Sunday, November 29, 2015

Week 4- Crabby Pants.

I'm crabby. Leave me alone.
I'm apologizing in advance for this update being short or not funny or just whinny and bitchy. The awful cold I always get when I'm in a place more than a week has arrived. Actually, I usually get a cold in the fall too.  I hope this the same cold.  Unless it's two colds in one... Which is rapidly beginning to feel like that is the case.

This is our month anniversary! I can't believe time is moving so fast!   It feels like we just got here... I'm a little sad that we only have 5 months left. 

Ok.  So this week:

I drove a little. It's getting better.   I just need to remember I go in the middle of the road.  And that I drive from the right side of the car.  Friday, I got in on the left side and sat there for 30 seconds before I could figure out why it felt wrong.
Hi!  My name is Abigail and I'm super slow, I esp. have issues with hills.

It was Thanksgiving.  No, they don't celebrate the discovery of America here, although randomly,  they do "celebrate"  Black Friday here.  T and I had our own make shift Thanksgiving dinner.  We couldn't find turkey, tofurkey or pumpkin, but we made it work.  Of course, we did find pumpkin today, a little too late.  We made some pretty decent mashed potatoes and stuffing though and an interesting sweet potato pie.  And I had my Thanksgiving sausage with peach chutney.  
T cooking.

selfie with our feast

my thanksgiving "soysage"

Not too shabby.  I ate ALOT.

The aftermath.
The weekend:
We saw lots of lions at the Lion Park  The same place an American tourist got eaten in June. The tourist had the window open and the lioness had cubs around.  The lioness is still there.  The park's opinion was that the tourist was in the lionesses house and didn't follow the rules.  She was just protecting her family.  We  didn't get out of the car or have any windows open. I follow the rules around in situations where I'm considered lunch.  And we didn't drive this time, so we actually enjoyed it more and were able to learn tons of stuff about lions.   Too bad I have the memory capacity of an ant or I'd totally rock African animal pub trivia night.

We were on the fence about the "cub experience " add-on because cheesy and exploitation, but in the end we're glad we did it. I mean when is the next time I will hold hands with something that could easily eat me.  When in Ro...Africa.

Today we were supposed to go hiking, but I feel like shit,so alternately the plan was brunch and Hunger Games, but I barely made it through brunch. I almost need to take a break pushing my basket around the grocery store after buying soup.  So it was brunch and a long afternoon of crappy movies on the romance channel and naps.  :( 

This is so not a bloody mary.  F sickness. #givemevodka

I leave you with a meerkat. Because meerkats. 

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