Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Flying Termites.

Apparently there are over 500 ant species in SA.

One of these species apparently takes a nuptial flight after the rain.   Apparently, they mate in the air, drop and lose their wings.    Since I have a gap between my front door and the floor, this meant I had the pleasure of witnessing this act of nature last night.  I had no idea what these things were.  I was convinced they were flying maggots and smashed them.    Within 15 minutes my floor was swarming with little ants in the spot of their murdered giant ant.

A half of bottle of 40% Deet camping bug spray I bought for safari-ing and a roll of paper towels later, I had the situation under control.

In the morning, my porch was covered with drowning flying ant maggot things and wings.  Lots and lots of wings.   But before I could figure out how I wanted to deal with the situation, birds began swooping in and handled the clean up for me.  :)

When I inquired about these things at work today.  I was told that I should collect them and fry them in margarine.

Correction:   I believe it was not an ant, but a termite, the Hodotermitidae, to be exact.   Although it seems like "ant" and "termite" are used somewhat interchangeably here.  Either way, super disgusting and I am stopping to by a giant can of anti flying termite spray after work today.

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