Sunday, January 17, 2016

Week 10- Expanding my horizons

Thus far, I've been rushing around trying to see "things" or spending copious amounts of time planning to see more "things".    Yes, lions and waterfalls are super cool, but other than work, I realized that I'm not experiencing the culture or the people.  I'm really only seeing what's on the surface.

What I've learned most from my travels and from living abroad is not what I've read on museum placards or from rushing from tourist spot to tourist spot, but from slowing down and taking in the simple day to day...spending the afternoon talking to people in a coffee shop or sitting at a bar in a pub and chatting with the bartender or experiencing the Spanish healthcare system firsthand (really hoping not to have a repeat of that as eye opening as that was).

Now that I'm much more comfortable driving and with the city in general, I decided that I'm on a mission to experience and not just see.

The idea all started with me complaining to my manager that I haven't really made any friends and that I'm dying for social interaction.    He replied with "I've invited you to the Parkrun 2 times now and you don't show up."   Well, this weekend I showed up.  And figuratively continued to show up all weekend.   An aside-  I've been listening to the GirlBoss podcasts this week and the host encourages listeners to state their #girlboss moments of the week and I guess this was mine.... getting a little out of my comfort zone and really taking control of this opportunity I was given.

I woke up early on Saturday, drove about 15 minutes to an area call Modderfontein, got lost, found a giant line of cars and followed them and found myself in the right place.    These Parkruns are 5k fun runs that occur all over South Africa on Saturdays.    The run itself was difficult... it was my trail run, it was at altitude and it was unbelievably steep.    I got dizzy to the point I was a little worried at least twice.   It was a whole lot of fun though.   High energy, friendly people, beautiful views.    In the beginning, the host asked if there was any international runners and I got a huge shout out for Chitown.  :)      At the end my manager and a few co-workers were waiting for me at the finish line.   I'm hoping to do many more before I leave and hopefully at least one official race so I can get some SA bling.

I spent the afternoon at a local cafe drinking cappuccino and reading.   Once the tables around me heard my accent, I was immediately pulled in their conversations.    The manager also came by treated me to coffee and made me feel welcomed.   We all chatted about politics and Chicago Fire and Mandela.   I appreciated hearing so many personal stories and experiences.

 Today I got my on and headed about 4 miles down the road to Kensington for a free historical neighborhood tour.  I met loads of interesting, fun, friendly locals.... who all wanted to talk about Trump and Rham.   Apparently Rham makes the news here only slightly less than Trump.   We saw some amazing mansions, architecture from the 20th century including a concrete fence and gate that was pretty cool, hiked up the kopi (cliff) for some fantastic views of the city and visited a boys boarding school, Jeppe Boys School,  that begun in the 1800's that is still a leading school in Joburg.  The tour was as much about being social as it was about history.   I made a few new friends, was  invited to some future events and to dinner!   My social meter is starting to rise.  :)   I took a million pictures... some of which are on Facebook.   Here's a few of my favorites:

Jeppe School for Boys
20th century cement fence
Oh hai, Jozi

Scottish Memorial on the topi
Jeep School for Boys

Hiking' it on up the kopi

The afternoon was spent exploring the Melville neighborhood which reminded me of Little 5 Points in Atlanta... quirky, trendy, with a new school punk rock vibe.  I found the next best thing to a Bloody Mary... a Bloody Mary Made with beer with a shot of tequila on the side.  I don't do shots and really don't do tequila... so I dumped it in.  The result-delicious.

I'm finding the people here so open and friendly.   When people find out that I'm from Chicago they are genuinely  interested in hearing my opinions and impressions of their home and eager to tell me stories and to answer my many, many questions.   I truly enjoyed meeting so many people this week and truly experiencing Jo-burg.

I'm sitting out on my balcony as I type, enjoying the sun set, drinking Bloody Marys (almost perfected... looking forward to my pepper infused vodka that should be ready next weekend).   Not looking forward to the work week...   I'm enjoying what I'm doing and the amount that I'm learning everyday.   There is just so much to do in so little time that I'm beginning to pull 10+ days to get it all done.   I'm a morning person, so I don't really mind getting in super early and staying later.  I'm my sharpest in the morning and its easier to work when its quieter, before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. looks like Twilight is on the Romance channel again.... it seems like its either Twilight or Save the Last Dance or YaYa Sisterhood. Every. Day.

Looking forward to next weekend, where T and I will be taking a trip to Durban to spend a couple of days on the beach... I was told there is a Parkrun on the beach, so hoping to check that out as well.

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