Sunday, April 3, 2016

Weekend Wrap-up- 'Cause Baby, I'm worth it

Can everyday be a wine on the beach day?
This week was a short work week due to Monday being a holiday.    On one hand, I really felt the shortness and lack of time to get my shit done, on the other, it feels like ages since I dropped the hubs off at the airport.
Blurry pic of hubs running away

Speaking of, the airport was a total cluster on Monday night.  Emirates was particularly a mess, with the check in line looking like it was the first day at Hogwarts on Platform 9 3/4.   Apparently, it was back to boarding school for a hoard of teenage boys with their parents blocking the entire passage way shouting and taking pictures.   We finally got Phil out of the boy's school crowd and into a normal check-in line.   I won't lie, I sobbed during our good byes.   Needless to say I wasn't in the best frame of mind when exiting the airport.   I'm 99% sure I stopped at the stop sign at the end of the parking ramp, but was waved over anyway by the police roadblock.

Me:  Hi, officer.
Officer:  Ma'am, you failed to stop at the stop sign.
Me:  I apologize officer.   I thought I stopped at all the stop signs.  I apologize if I missed one.
Officer:  You didn't stop at the last one.  I need to issue a fine.
Me:  I understand.   Here is my license.
Officer:  I need to fine  you.
Me:  Ok.
Officer:  Where are you going?
Me:  Home.  I live here.  I work at Simba.
Officer:  Oh!  Simba!  Right over here.  I love Simba.  
Me: ...
Officer:  I need to fine you 500 Rand.
Me:  Okay, officer.  I understand.
Officer:  That's a lot.
Me:  Yes, it is, but if you say that I missed a stop sign, I understand that is the fine.
Officer:  (after a long pause, in which he seems to be waiting for a counter offer).   You seem like a good girl and I like Simba.  You can go.

I'm not exactly sure if he was genuinely being nice or trying to shake me down for money or didn't exactly know how to ticket me being an expat with a US driver's license living in a hotel.   He actually didn't ask where I lived or for my Passport.

I'm positive I didn't blow a stop sign... I drive like a Grandma, but I was too exhausted and emotionally drained to argue.   500R isn't all that much in dollars and I'm not sure how they'd track me down if I didn't pay it.  Although, I most likely would of.   I tend to be a rule follower.

Our trip to the coast was energizing and I was highly motivated to get shit done this week, both professionally and personally.  Since we were also go-go-go the last few weeks I also wanted to take sometime to rejuvenate, so I put the social life on hold to dedicate time to my yoga practice, meditation and working on a million business ideas that have been bouncing around in my head for awhile.

I got through not 1, not 2, but 3 #yogacamp classes this weekend. .  Again, I highly recommend this series.   Adriene is laid back, funny, and it's easily adaptable for all levels and moods.  Today was Day 11, with the mantra "I release".   I found this class particularly restorative both mentally and physically.  It tied in very well with where I am at in my meditation practice as well.   Speaking of, I'm working back through Spirit Junkie, to give my practice a little more structure.  Finding this book and guided meditations a few years ago really was a turning point in my spiritual journey and helped me let go a lot of toxic crap in my life. I really believe this was instrumental in drawing Little Phil in. That's a whole post for a different day.

As a reward for all the hard work and to nourish my creative mind, I took myself to the Royal Moscow Ballet on Saturday at the Theater Marcellus in the Emperor's Palace Casino.  The parking lot was packed when I arrived at 7:30.  Apparently the Casino is the place to be on a Saturday night.  I probably should have taken an Uber, but didn't realize that parking would be a mess.   Or at least appear to be a mess.  I drove in a circle once then asked a parking guard for help and tada! instant parking space.  And he gave me detailed directions to the theater.  I was so resistant to the Parking Guard Phenomenon when I arrive in SA, but now Parking Guards are my bestest friends.  They find me the best parking spots, they carry my bags, I suppose in theory they are "watching" my car.  I'm not sure why they freaked me out so much. I guess resistance is futile!

 Back to the was beautiful.   I lost myself in the costumes, music and movement.   I was surprised I got a third row seat, just 4 hours before showtime. I wish it was this easy to be spontaneous with the arts in Chicago.   It wasn't a full production, but three performances separated by intermissions.   The company performed Chopiniana (Les Sylphides), Carmen and Paquita (Grand Pas).   I loved the Spanish Flamenco influence in Carmen, but I think my favorite was Paquita due to the proper tutu's and plethora of leaps and jumps.

Today I woke up at 5am fully intending to go on a hike, but just wasn't feelin' it.  I got dressed and got my day pack ready hoping I'd get in the mood, but it didn't happen.   So it was more work and yoga.  I did attempt to check out the Panorama Flea Market, but the GPS took me to a gated community which was definitely not a flea market..   I drove around a bit, occasionally seeing signs for it, not quite sure how I was missing a 400 stall open market, but then I got distracted and just drove around and explored for awhile instead. There's a group going in a couple of weeks, so I'll catch a ride next time.  :)   That area is actually where the hike was this morning as well, so I drove around the hills and admired nature from my car.  I found an impressive castle-like Catholic Church with an equally impressive statue of Mary.  If it wasn't Sunday and packed, I would have stopped for picture.

  Then I got some much needed errands done before it was back to the grind.   I'm desperately trying to make up work time from my extended holiday.    I only have 5 weeks left!  And I'm taking 1 more trip- to Victoria Falls.   I am actually reluctant to spend anymore money... luckily the days I'll be taking off are public holidays anyway.  Phil convinced me that this is a once in a life time experience and I need to do it, so off I go at the end of April.

I didn't take any pictures this week, so here's a couple of  random ones and here's link to a Trevor Noah clip that Phil just shared with me, because it's hilarious.

The fog is eating us!!!  (Camps Bay, Cape Town)
A really funny picture of Phil eating a sandwich in the African bush.