Sunday, April 24, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up: OMG only 2 weeks left

hike awesomeness

ACK!   This is my last full weekend in Joburg.   I'm alternating between being so sad that I'm crying in the back of my Uber and being almost  kind of ready to start the next exciting chapter of my life.   I've been living it up, trying to get in as much friend-time as possible and trying to do all my favorite things one last time until next time.

Dark team lunch pic.
My mentor and I.  Sniff.
This week we had a little combo work going away party/ groom's party at the restaurant in our office park which was fun and incredibly thoughtful.   My mentor gave me a sparkly journal with a back-story about my professional development that made me a little teary eyed.   She also gave me a cat bag... she knows me too well.  My co-workers also picked out a super cool red African influenced purse that perfectly matches my red power pumps.  Score.
Cat bag!!!!

 Then began a string of "lasts".

Pre-crowds at the night market
My last night market at the Full Moon Market with my friend and her man.  The full moon market is a smaller version of the Art on Main Market that is held on Sundays in Maboneng.   Maboneng is my absolute favorite area of the city.   It's an up and coming area that so many art galleries and public graffiti/murals and craft breweries and cafes, all while still keeping it's grit and urban-ness.  The garden and hall is open on night market days and is packed with unique food vendors.  I knew I was coming back on Sunday, so we just relaxed on the roof top patio with cocktails, people watching and listening to the latin music of the salsa night.

Jozie skyline from top of the hike
There's animals down there!
Saturday brought my last hike with my hiking group at Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve.    The beginning of the 9k (a little less that 6 miles) hike was a real challenge.   It was rocky and at a sharp incline.   We were also going at a pace that made me start to believe that I might be asthmatic.  Our hike leader this round was an incredibly fit, no-bull shit drill sergeant who had us going at a near jog and kept shouting "you are all lazy.  push harder.  this is not a picture taking hike".    It got easier once we got to the top and she seemed to back off a bit after our lunch break.   She even let us stop to watch the zebras and the wildebeest.   (Last random hike zebra.  sniff).  Our group was fantastic this hike (it's never not) and we had great conversations.   Even more sadness that there isn't more time to hang with my new friends.    

My last time having Hipster cocktails in jars Bryanston.
I did sneak in one new friend drink night, with a brand new expat from Belgium, who is also doing a 6 month stint.   The ladies I met suggested drinks at The Social on Main in Bryanston, which is a very hipster craft cocktail  bar near Sandton.   There's cocktails in jars.  The girls ended up bailing, but it was fun sharing all my stories and advice and in return learning a whole lot about Brussels and EU politics.   It's a rare occasion that I actually feel smarter when I leave a bar.

Market on Main
Today I was supposed to go eat waffles with co-workers at a market next to my favorite hiking spot, but its over an hour drive each way, so I wasn't particularly feeling it because my priority was to make it to my favorite spot one last time for one last Arts on Main. (until I come back, of course).  

 It was the right decision.  I had a fantastic afternoon... the weather was perfect- warm and sunny, the market was packed and vibrant.  I ate lunch (my last Durban bunny chow)  with an older women and her two grown children and they told me all about township wedding traditions  (they were hunting down some needed items for an upcoming wedding).
Bunny Chow
Street Art Vendors

I wandered around all the galleries and vendors sipping on craft brews from Smack Republic Brewery , this little microbrewery that's tucked in between the galleries.  After a very long texting session with Phil, we decided on 2 prints from Iwasshot in Joburg :).  Iwasshot is an organization that gives street kids disposable cameras to photograph street art in order to generate an income and get them off the street.  They also have a gallery, a work shop and a skills development lab.   Pretty rad.
New canvas art for the "Africa" shelf
A main part of the market is roof top salsa.   I met the gentleman, Sam, who founded Rooftop salsa 4 years ago.   He is a retired journalist from the US.  He came to South Africa 14 years ago on assignment and never left.    I feel you, Sam.  Having to leave Jozie is breaking my heart.  Jozie you have official beat Tokyo as my favorite city that is not Chicago.
Gallery Beer 
And because you were all wondering... Bob is doing wonderful.  We had a little scare this week, where he stopped eating and got very pale, but he's back to snacking on his flowers  and his color has come back.    He currently likes hanging upside down, pooping a lot, inching between flowers.  He dislikes flowers that are not Gerber Daisies and being interrupted from naps.     Speaking of Gerber Daisies I need to find more ASAP.   He's destroying the two I have left and the flower market didn't have any in stock this weekend.   The red flowers that sort of kind of look like daisies aren't cutting it.



  1. Replies
    1. Can you imagine me getting stopped at customs for trying to smuggle a caterpillar??
