Monday, July 20, 2015

I hate fundraising...

I never run for charity, not because I didn't want to or because I don't believe in doing good.  I just suck at asking for help, especially money.  

And I'm a highly competitive Type A person, so when all the "I hit my goal. YAY!!!" statuses starting popping up, instead of feeling happy, I felt like a failure.

I also knew it was time to abandon my passive approach to fundraising and start being a bit more aggressive and start reaching out directly.

I apologize for the random emails you may have received from me today, possibly after radio silance for a long time (I'm an asshole).  But I do appreciate all of your help and I totally owe you one. and I'll try really hard at being better at keeping touch.

Any amount helps.  thank you so much...

Since I'm already here, I'll tell you a funny story.  Only funny now.  Not too funny this morning.   As I'm last minute packing for my trip to London later today, I find that my darling husband at some point decided that the passports would be safer in the safe instead of the travel drawer.   I call to ask (ok, maybe frantically demand) where the key was and.... wait for it.... HE LOST IT.

Being the patient man he is, he immediately drove down from the suburbs ignoring all my screaming and obscenities and he ripped open the top of the safe.   That, in itself, is worrisome, but I'm actually really grateful right now that our safe wasn't actually secure.

Peace and harmony have been restored here at the Yogore-Kaczmarczyk household.

Have a great week!!

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