Monday, August 3, 2015

YAY! 2/3rds there!!!

I'm over the $1000 hump!! Less than $400 to go!!!  Thank you, thank you, thank you for all who have donated.  I sincerely appreciate it.

 I'm not going to lie... training this year has been tough.   Tougher than what I remember from last year.   I'm not sure why... maybe I'm traveling a bit more, maybe I'm busier in general... I don't know.   I know that I've been so tired for the last few weeks.   It really has been difficult to stay motivated to do anything at all, esp. running.

I arrived at Fleet Feet Saturday totally convinced I would not be able to get through 11 miles.  I was just getting over jet lagged... I only managed 6.5 in London the week before instead of the scheduled 10.  
I dropped back to pace a slower group which was suppose to only do 10, but we end up doing 11 anyway :)   Got back to the store to see that Asic was setting up for a free 5k- Detox Dash.   I love free swag and free food, so of course I, along with my other pacer buddies, decided it was a great idea to put in 3 more miles.    I was super sore yesterday, but the free shirts and hat were worth it.

A couple pics I stole from Courtney, because my phone is so busted it is difficult to take pictures at this point.   (On a side note, my new phone is sitting in a box on the counter... I'm not allowed to open it until my new case and screen protector arrive.   It took 3 broken phones to learn this lesson, but I think I finally got it-  phone needs heavy duty case.)
Half way point!

Detox Dash Rockstars!  Go CES!

I'm getting super super close to my fundraising goal of $1500... I really didn't think I'd be able to do it!  If you have a few bucks, please consider donating.  Every dollar counts... I just realized there's a $10 minimum on the fundraising page... if you'd prefer to Quickpay or give cash, I'm happy submit all cash donations at once. Just let me know!

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