Saturday, July 18, 2015

I'm slower than a herd of turtles...

That pretty much sums up my running normally, but in this weather especially so.   It has been BRUTAL.  It doesn't help that I've been on the verge of sick for over a week... not sick, but almost sick.  Which is totally worse than being sick.      I have also been traveling for work. a lot.  Or not traveling, but not in the office because I'm sitting in a room in McCormick place listening to a lecture about sodium while staring at my favorite running path.  Also brutal.  But not as bad as this weather.
Last Saturday was pretty disastrous. Our run was 9 miles and I went into it with the attitude, that it was nothing since we haven't hit double digits yet.   So, Phil and I went to summer dance on Friday night, I had a couple of beers, totally forgot to eat dinner and got to bed late.  The run was hot, long and a struggle from the first step.  I almost immediately fell into super-annoying-whiny-complaining-everything-is-awful mode, which I'm not sure is better or worse than it's twin sister super-enthusiastic-omg-running-20-miles-at 6am-is-the-best-thing-ever mode.  Those of you who have run with me know what I'm talking about.   In long runs, I tend to flip back and forth.   Anyway, I made it almost all the way through and then in the last mile got dizzy and starting getting the chills and needed to drop back.  I never care when I'm on my own, but it always stings a little bit when I'm with my group.

Today was much much better, despite the crazy heat.   I stayed in last night, had a great dinner, got plenty of sleep and was up and at 'em at 5am.  And the wonderful hubby brought me coffee in bed.  That definitely helped.   We were scheduled for 10 miles, but were cut back to 7 due to the heat.   The first half was pretty good, the second a little harder for everyone as the temps climbed.  We ended up splitting our 12:30 greens group and I hung back and ran 4-2 intervals with part of our group... which I was happy to do coming off of illness.   Also I want this to be fun and not feel like a complete wreck the rest of the day.  I love my amazing CES running family!

And now after all of that word vomit... Good News #1!!!

Thanks to the generosity of PepsiCo's  matching donation program and a very generous and unexpected donation from my awesome husband, I am over the half way point in my fundraising!!!  Yippeeeeeee!   $931!!!   It would be amazing and totally make my weekend if I could hit $1000 this weekend!  Please, please, please????   Donate here!!!

Good News #2!!!

And now for the Big Announcement!!!

In the words of the great Shakira.... This  Time for Africa!!!

I was chosen for the PepsiCo Global Talent Rotation Program!!!!   I will be going to South Africa for 6 months to work on a snack prototyping project!!   Very excited, nervous and overwhelmed.   More information coming... stay tuned...

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