Thursday, December 10, 2015

Week 5- still sick and crabby

So this is more of a 5.5 week update, since I've been still sick, still crabby and I've been traveling for work.

Due to the sick and crabby state, I don't have much to report for last week.  I was feeling shitty, I made a miraculous recovery midweek and crashed hard on Friday- which Tracy has termed "friday-itis, since this is 2 weeks in a row I was sick on Friday.

I've been doing a lot of work stuff.  I helped on a plant trial on last week Monday.  It was long.  Very long. And hot. Very hot.  I was sick and probably had a fever which didn't help, but I'm in awe of the people who are in the plant for 8 plus hours everyday.  I couldn't do it. I'm weak.

I also got in the lab this week- first time since grad school.  We were doing a moisture test and it all came flooding back to me.   "I know how to do this!   This is EXACTLY how I got dry weight data on my mouse shit!!", I proclaimed triumphantly.   Needless to say, I didn't make many lab friends.   I'm totally that weird American chick who bakes mouse shit now. Sigh.

I also learned how to season and how to collect stuff from the plant. 

I bought A LOT chips from our Tuck Shop or company store.  If you are nice, my American friends and family, I may be bringing some home to share.

Friday- I learned or really more of observed a type of Jewish chanting ceremony that occurred at sun down and sun up on Friday while I was trying to sleep.   I lived in an Orthodox community in Atlanta but never saw anything like  it.

Saturday- I took a really long flight while feeling half dead.  I made myself get up for breakfast but they skipped me and wouldn't even bring me coffee. :(    I was really sad, but was able to find the arrivals lounge for a  proper English breakfast after spending over a hour in immigration lines because I was told the wrong line twice.  I did get to watch Vacation and Pitch Perfect II. No Drew Barrymore unfortunately.

Yum.  Beans.

After the really long flight and breakfast, I got to wait in front of the Harry Potter store for 45 minutes waiting for it to open.  There's a reason I'm my mother's favorite child.

Then I hopped a train to Farnham to see Karen and David.  Twice in one year!    For those who don't know, I met Karen in 2003, while back packing in Thailand.

Thailand, 2003-  Holy F we are tiny.  

Mel, Karen, David:  Dec. 2015

Here's one from July 2015-  because we are much cuter here.

It was a short, but fun visit.  She fed me a lot, like usual.  I got to see their oddly shaped tree, which they assured me was normal and I got to see downtown Farnham, which was adorable and very British looking.  I also made a Poundland purchase.

Farnham-  cold and rainy per always

Oh Christmas Tree, why do you look so weird?

Poundland Score

You'll have to wait on this week's adventures until Sunday-  spoiler alert- still sick and crabby.

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