Sunday, December 13, 2015

Week 6- UK and BBQ and other stuff

Somewhat less sick and very much less crabby.   This week I went from feeling like I'm getting a cold, to a stomach thing, to, currently, a perma-headache.

I feel like Monday was months ago and not just a few days ago.   Monday 
and Tuesday, I was at a meeting in Reading, UK  working on a special project for the nutrition sciences part of my job- not really related to the global rotation part.   It was nice to see my NS peeps and catch up and to finally wrap up this project.   It was a lot to accomplish in a short period of time but potentially it will have a big impact.  Hopefully.  It was hard work.

Nutrition Sciences represent

My head hurt so bad at this point, I couldn't see straight...not sure why I'm smiling

My head was in migraine mode and I almost passed out at that dinner.  I'm not sure how I am smiling... it must have been delirium.   It was nothing 2 Aleves, 3 Ibuprofen and a small cider couldn't handle though.  Well, that cocktail handled the headache... it didn't do much for the stomach ache... all I could force down was a little soup and a hand full of chips (ie "fat" fries).

The flight back wasn't too bad.  I didn't spill red sauce all over my favorite white running jacket, like I did on the flight there.  I changed my seat to the isle so I couldn't be skipped for breakfast.
My magic flight remedy did allow for a few hours of sleep.  And I watched 2 movies... Rikki and the Flash and Trainwreck.  Both Okay.
sleeping aid

The 11+ hr red eye flight left Tuesday night, and arrived at 7 am on Wednesday.    It was straight to work- it was gift exchange and cake day.  I had bought a specialty rum chocolate sauce for my gift and was totally teased and made fun of with my coworkers claiming I bought body paint.   Normally, I probably would have though it was funny, but I was sick, had not slept and I genuinely had  put thought into the gift.  Honestly, my feelings were a little hurt.   I received a couple of cacti, which I am psyched about.  My apartment needs a little life.  Hopefully, they don't die.  I'm pretty positive all my cacti and basil are dead at home.  Phil sucks.

The rest of the week was pretty tame.  I took a sick day Thursday to get some reading done and to not have to worry about  not making it to the bathroom in time at work.   Friday, my stomach was on the mend and I spent the day at the Isando/factory office in packaging training.   I learned a lot about bags and made my first bag. 
My little bag baby.

Friday night we finally made it out to see Hunger Games.   Eh, it was okay.  Hard to enjoy due the couple on our right talking loudly the ENTIRE movie and the guy on my left shaking his cool drink like a maraca.

Yesterday, we had high hopes for this Christmas craft market at the casino that people at work were raving about.  It turned out to be pretty lame, so we did some retail therapy at the mall instead.
Say hello to my new amazing sleep mask/sleeping headphones fleecy owl thing.   Yes, I'm totally rocking this on the plane, quite possibly in my Qatar Airline PJs, even though I'll be on KLM.

Today we were invited out to lunch with Doe and Jay at a BBQ restaurant their friends just opened.  It was a lot of fun, despite the anti-feminist chatter.  Another lesson in keeping my mouth shut.  Yo. I'm getting good at this.   Or I'm just saving it all up and will be extra extra asshole-ish when I'm home in a few days.
Jozie Blonde-  a new fav.

Yum. Meat.

Me and Doe and Tracy in the background

I finally bought some random crap off the guy outside the grocery store.  Every time I walk by he tells me to take a look and every time I tell him that one day I will.  Today was that day.   Random guy on the side of the road souvenirs for everyone!  

Back to packing my ass off.   I'll be back home on Wednesday!   I expect lots of Festive cocktails.  

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