Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Butt Rubs and Weekend Getaways.

I've lost track of the week count.  13, 14 15?

My shoulder's been sore and in general the hard hotel bed and non-magical pillows and my increasing old lady status are wrecking havoc on my back.    So my co-worker, P, and I had some girly R&R spa time.    We scheduled 90 minute Thai Messages - hers an herbal compression massage and mine, a Traditional Aroma Message.  I've had a few messages during my travels in Thailand, but they must of white-ed it up for me, because this was a somewhat different experience.    P tried to warn me that it may be "invasive" and that she booked us separate rooms, because we weren't to "that point" in our relationship yet.   We arrived.  The spa was nice, clean, almost over the top decorated to look like a "Thai spa retreat".   I was given slippers and a robe to change into, which in the US, normally you just get nekkid and crawl under the sheet and most of the traditional massages I had in Thailand I wore a pajama type outfit that was provided.   I changed into the robe and waited for my therapist, who was a tiny Thai lady.   She immediately yanked my robe off, leaving me awkwardly standing there topless in my grannie panties.   Fortunately, for you, my readers, the awkwardness does not end there. So now, I'm under some towels face down and she washes my feet.. my feet were probably gross, so okay.  But it tickled SO MUCH.   So, I started screaming in laughter.   Next,she busted out the oil, which I knew was coming, but for those who know about my sensitives, it was a little torturous at first.  And the reason I went with the oil was the aroma part...which there was no aroma.  I adjusted until she worked up my legs and yanked my grannie panties down and hello, ass crack to the sky.  I tensed so hard, she asked if I was okay.  I went with it and got the most intense butt rub, I've ever gotten with forearm use and everything.  Actually, I'm not sure I've ever gotten a professional butt rub before unless it was running injury related.  It seemed to last forever, but eventually (thankfully) ended and she moved on to (literally, on to) my back during which she surprised me by grabbing my wrists and yanking me hard backwards throwing the towel off and almost putting the crown of my head to my back...., which may or may not have caused me to pass gas. Loudly. While she was sitting on my back.   I'm not actually admitting this happened, but in a case where it had, the therapist's response would have been "Sign Good Massage:  Toot, toot, toot!!"   In this hypothetical situation,  it would be the first  thing I would have rushed out to tell P, if this had actually happened, which I'm still not admitting it has.

Due to the massage and work overload lately, I've had a few very fatigued for a few days in a row.   Luckily, we had a a pretty low key weekend getaway in Cape Town.   Overall, it was nice, very rich-y, resort-y, lacking  the cultural grittiness of Durban and very much like most resort cities I've been to.  Phil and I will be back in a few weeks and I hope to check out some of the more historic places that make Capetown, Capetown, more of the nature stuff and less of the touristy stuff.

So Capetown Part I- because I'm too unmotivated to upload it all tonight...

The main attraction:  Table Mountain.   You can hike 2.5 hours up (Phil and I will), but T and I took the cable car up.
Arrival.  Oh, hello mountain.

Yay!  Mountain open.   


Park on the table top


Scrunchie face selfie on top of the table

clouds rollin' in

Stay tuned for more Capetown goodness this week....

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