Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day as an Expat

I interrupt my long series of Cape Town posts to bring you Valentine's Day.

I'm not sure I was ever that into Valentine's Day, but I certainly never turned down a fancy dinner or flowers.    This is the Hubs and I's first Valentine's a married unit and I'm a million miles away.    While there were no shortage of Valentine's events around the city, I didn't find it all pink and hearts like the States can be.    I actually didn't think I was all that upset about being "alone" on this Hallmark holiday until I watched Phil open the album I made him over  FaceTime and I (not him) burst into tears.   I think this is actually the first time I have cried since I've been here.    It is a pretty damn good photo album, but I have nothing to cry about, I had a great time celebrating solo this week.

First off I completed my first trail race and got my first International bling to add to the closet door handle collection.   The race was the #loverun, part of the Biogen Race series.    The course was a BMX course so lots of monguls and embankments and wood slat bridges with boards missing.    I'm glad I didn't break something.   I found it challenging and fun, but a little crowded at times, since the nature of the course forced us to go single file in parts.   I ran with two of my work friends-we all signed up for the 5k (which by our GPS's was actually more like 2.5 miles instead of 3.1).   Right before the start, Y and I rethought our decision and tried to sneak in with the 8k-ers.   Thank God we weren't able to, I knew with in 2 minutes of the race as I pushed up the first hill, that that would have been the worse decision. Ever.   After the final set of moguls I almost threw up on myself.   It was that much fun.

Obviously the before pic.

The bling.

I felt like I was in my 20's again, because directly after the race, I raced home (no pun intended), took a quick shower, ate a cookie and was off Baseland with  my work friend J.    It was a fun night of reggae and Dancehall and dancing like I have never seen before.   I can't wait to go back

This was at 10:30... by midnight there were at least a 1000 people behind the stage.

 Friday, my amazing Hubs successfully navigated SA commerce and had flowers send to work.    My friend and I did a lunch run to a chocolate outlet store and I picked out some fancy sweets for myself.   And then I went home and slept for 12 hours, since I somehow missed Thursday's sleep. ;)

I was recovered by Saturday night, in time for Gal-entines dinner at the San Deck, which had beautiful views of the city.   Followed by dancing at The Sands, which I have been before and is just eh.   We were tricked into buying VIP tickets for an event that was over, but we still snuck in to the VIP section by pretending one of the girls was a DJ named Poppy, which wasn't really all that exciting, until the other dudes who apparently also snuck in, wouldn't stop bothering us and we got in a fight.  It didn't quite come down to throwing bottles, just some vicious words, although one of the dudes did get his nuts in a bunch because of our ego deflating of his friend and sprayed us with Redbull.   Stay classy dude.  

On the way to MASH for a night cap,   we got caught up in a police road block ( I wasn't driving).   I had heard so much about these from expat blogs but hadn't seen one yet.   From our experience and observing the many other pulled over cars there was a whole lot of "failed" breathalyzers and zero arrests.   We drove away with a good story.  Another SA experience in the books.   The Uber on the way home also got road blocked, but the driver had a quick verbal exchange with the cop and drove off.... I asked what he had said to get out of it and our driver just shrugged and said "I told him I refused to take a breath test".    I guess it's as simple as that.  Noted.

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